It’s gonna get all kinds of woo-woo up in here…
WARNING: Do you cringe when you hear all those woo-woo people talking about energy, embodiment, and alignment? Then you’re gonna HATE this blog post.
If the word vibe makes you recoil in disgust, just stop reading now. Because you definitely won’t like the online course launch checklist at the end. It’ll probably make you barf. And I’m not responsible for your dry cleaning bill.
Alright, now that the mindset haters and alignment-phobes have left the building, let’s do this. Let’s talk about vibes, the law of attraction, and all that sweet spiritual shit that you and I know matters in your business.
The Secret to Launch Strategy
You’re here because you’re launching an online course or product and need guidance. Launches are a bitch. They can suck up all your energy and leave you overworked, exhausted, and questioning everything about your business.
Launch strategists and marketing consultants can be incredibly valuable. There’s nothing wrong with working with someone who has been there, who can guide you through the process. An online course launch checklist is a mini version of that. In both cases, you have to find the right one...
You’re here because you want to have your best launch ever. So if you hire a strategist who doesn’t get you, you’re wasting your time and money. Before you make that investment, you’ve got to figure out what resonates with you.
You can’t follow cookie-cutter marketing advice and expect to have a million-dollar launch. Unfortunately, there’s an entire industry built on one-size-fits-all marketing...
Come At Me, Bro
I’m talking about marketing bros.
You know those guys. They’re yelling about how you have to work harder to hit your goals. You have to send more emails. Do more lives. Create a Facebook group, even though you hate Facebook.
Meet Josh
Josh (aren’t they all named Josh?) says, “THIS is what’s working right now, so if you don’t jump on the train you’ll be stuck in Poor Town with no students and even your dog will be disappointed in you.”
This is the biggest load of bullshit I’ve ever heard.
I know because I listened to Josh for years. When I started my business I tried to do it exactly as they said. I’d get a few clients — enough to pay the bills but never really move the needle. So I thought, I must not be doing ENOUGH. Time to write more blog posts or get on whatever the latest social media channel is.
My cycle looked like this:
Work, work, work.
Say goodbye to weekends!
Hit serious burnout.
Start to loathe my business.
Not have enough time to focus on marketing and getting new clients because I was too drained by the ones I had.
Lose a few clients.
Get stressed about money.
Listen to Josh and decide I’m not working hard enough and the cycle starts all over again…
My first 18 months in business this is how it went. I reached a point where I never wanted to work with another client again. Writing that sentence now makes me sad. Because If I’d given up back then I wouldn’t have the business I do today. I have some of the most incredible clients who are doing amazing things to change the world for the better. And it lights me up inside to help them do that.
How business SHOULD feel
When I hit that low point, I was lucky enough to be working with a few coaches and mentors who could guide me through the darkness. Ultimately I realized it didn’t have. to be so HARD.
Running myself ragged was doing me no favors. Who wants to work with someone who isn’t happy? You might think you can grin and bear it, but prospective clients and customers can feel when something’s off. And, trust me, when you’re down in the dumps they definitely won’t buy from you.
Every Other Online Course Launch Checklist Is Wrong
When you’re a coach or a personal brand, your vibe matters. It’s what attracts clients to you.
Your audience won’t connect with your content if you’re miserable creating it. More is not the answer. Doing what lights you up is. If writing emails feels forced, scale back on that. If posting on Instagram every day sucks the life out of you, fuck it! Just because it’s working for someone else doesn’t mean it’s meant for you.
It’s happened to me in my business and I’ve seen it happen to my clients too. When you’re *feelin’ yourself* your business will uplevel.
This is why I created the Zen A.F. Launch Checklist. I can’t sit by and let another beautiful soul get trapped in the workaholic marketing cycle.
This online course launch checklist focuses on the things that make you feel like the best version of you. Because when you’re flying high the clients come flying in.
The Zen AF Launch Checklist is a high-vibe, high-converting roadmap for coaches and course creators who are ready to SLAY their launch goals.
You don’t have to build ANOTHER sales funnel or guest on a dozen podcasts next week. To take your business to the next level and blow past your financial goals, you have to focus on YOU.
This course launch checklist will help you:
Delegate busy work and time-wasting tasks.
Create more time for the activities that light you up.
Prioritize your self-care so you can be your most magnetic, radiant self (and call in more amazing clients!).
If you've been giving it your all and still aren't hitting your goals, then it's time to try something new!
You’re going to have to do work. But this process is all about making it feel easy. It’s time to outsource the jobs you hate doing. There are freelance creatives who can design your graphics or write your emails 10x better than you can. It’s an investment that will pay off financially AND energetically.
When you follow this online course launch checklist you’ll see that your launch can be fun. It’s all about balance. Go download it now and read through the entire thing. This will give you a birds-eye view of your launch runway.
You deserve to have a business that lights you up. Fantastic clients who you feel lucky to serve. It all starts with this online course launch checklist.
Click here to grab your copy of The Zen A.F. Launch checklist now!